A Purge in Riyadh

The night of November 4 will long be remembered in Saudi Arabia as a turning point. Three interconnected events took place in Riyadh.

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Sectarian Identity Entrepreneurs

The notion of the sectarian identity entrepreneur can be a helpful concept to explain the salience of sectarianism in the politics of the Middle East.

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Transnational Diffusion between Arab Shia Movements

Anti-Shia polemics generally overemphasize the transnational connections of Arab Shia communities, while Arab Shia leaders often downplay them, stating that the national affiliation is the most important trait of Arab Shia identity.

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The Yemen War in Saudi Media

The Kingdom has branded itself a leading regional player and made the Yemen war a center-piece of its new position in the region. It will become increasingly difficult to sustain this media narrative the longer the conflict goes on and the more casualties and destitution the fighting causes.

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